All about today
Hi everyone,
I hope you all are fine! Well today was good for me I wouldn't say it was great but yea it was okay... My day started off with me going to college as usual and the surprising fact is that I attended all my 5 classes on time...
The classes were really good... We started our first hr with Marlowe Dr Faustus, if y'all get time y'all should really check it out... The other hours went on well, during our break I went for a stroll with my friends, we usually spend break in class so it was nice walking for a while...
After that in the afternoon we had lunch and went for a workshop there I learnt about an application called canva... Most of us would know it even I knew about it but I've never really got my hands on a system to work with it I've always done it via my phone...
It was fun, and then in the evening I came home and I felt a sense of peace like this feeling when everything just feels right... Your mind, body and soul is in the same sync or should I say same page... So that's it for today I'll see y'all in my next blog until then it's bye bye from me... Keep reading and keep inspiring ๐✨
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